Behold The Lamb
The Paschal Candle tradition has its origins in early church and it is believed that St. Ambrose made this candle prominent during the Easter season late in the third century. The term “Paschal” comes from the word Pesach, which in Hebrew means Passover. The flame of the Paschal candle symbolizes Christ’s illuminating light, and His presence in the midst of his people. Every Will & Baumer Paschal Candle is made of 51% beeswax and hand tooled to ensure a blemish-free finish. Experienced artisans craft the ornamentation on each candle through hand-carving, wax-inlay and four color appliqués. The Radiant Light Paschal Candles featured on this page are handcrafted with our very own color appliqués and applied by hand after the candle has been formed and finished. Incensed Paschal Nails come with all Paschal Candles. Alleluia: Comes from the Hebrew Hallelujah (Praise the Lord). This ancient acclamation of jubilation is a joyful response or chant often used at festival times.
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